Minette Walters - The Devil's Feather

Friday, February 19, 2010

Connie is a hardened war correspondent; she's seen and reported on everything, but while on assignment in Iraq when she gets a little too curious about a man named MacKenzie whom she suspects of being a serial rapist and murderer, her life will never be the same. Connie is kidnapped and held hostage for three days prior to her abrupt release and immediate return to England. She won't tell anyone what really happened to her during her captivity and hides herself in a remote country house knowing that MacKenzie will ultimately find her to finish what he has started. There is a sub-plot involving Connie's infirm, elderly landlady, the landlady's wicked daughter, and the cold, troubled woman, Jess, who befriends Connie. The plot is predictable: the reader expects MacKenzie to arrive on every page, so when he does, it is anti-climactic. This is more a story about coping with emotional pain than about a mystery.
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