Fred Vargas - Seeking Whom He May Devour

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Seeking Whom He May Devour is an interesting French police procedural that isn't really a police procedural. Sheep are being killed, and villagers are beginning to cry "werewolf." The only people who don't believe it is the work of a wolf are the Canadian outsider, his lover, Camille, and two shepherds who are driven to investigate for themselves when their beloved friend, Suzanne, is killed in the same way as the sheep. Camille and the two shepherds set out in a sheep trailer to hunt the man they suspect is guilty. This trip is punctuated by drinking and meandering not progressing much in the way of a journey or a resolution to the case. Thank goodness Camille's former lover is Commisaire Adamsberg who feels compelled to get involved as well. The book suffers without Adamsberg making an earlier appearance. The identity of the murderer is a surprise, but the justification for the murders is not convincingly developed.
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