Charlotte, the protagonist of Anne Perry's The Cater Street Hangman, leads the protected, insulated life of a middle-class Victorian woman. She lives with her parents, two sisters, brother-in-law, Dominic, grandmother and three servants. She leaves the house only to visit friends and to perform charitable acts. She is considered rebellious by her father, Edward, because she likes to read about current events in the paper, something he would prefer to shelter her from. But Charlotte's world is about to come crashing down around her as a serial killer begins to prey on young women, respectable servants and girls from her class, walking along the street outside of her home. As the neighbors begin to suspect each other, the inmates of the house discover secrets they never imagined about Edward and Dominic, largely brought to their attention by police inspector Thomas Pitt.
An enjoyable read that is both light on mystery and romantic suspense, so it's somewhat hard to categorize as one or the other.
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