This Weekend's Great Expectations

Friday, March 24, 2023


We are being hit by another storm today, one day after hearing that we've had over 50 feet of snow this year already. I took this shot at the lake at the beginning of the season when we had no clue what was to come. 

TBR: I have not been finishing anything because I've been falling asleep after a few pages, so I hope to             finish Post After Post-Mortem (I'm slowly collecting the British Library Crime Classics).

Do: I'm planning on taking a long weekend this week to have a mental catch up, which is something I do about three times per year and started doing just a few years ago. I'm lucky to have quite a bit of vacation so using it for long weekends after I've gone through a really busy period of work helps me feel like I'm caught up on the tasks that I let slide when I'm working longer days and gives me breathing space. I try not to overload the number of tasks that I hope to get accomplished because the whole idea is to reduce stress not feel more stressed out, and if I don't get to something, I don't get to it, and it stays on the to-do list. 

Watch: Season 5 Candice Renoir 
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