Cara Black - Murder in the Marais

Friday, February 8, 2008

I had a multitude of problems with Murder in the Marais, but I'm not sure it was me or the books, so I'm going to put the next in the series, Murder in Belleville, on my TBR list to see if my feelings remain the same. The protagonist, Aimee Leduc, is hired by an elderly, Jewish, Holocaust survivor to decipher a coded photograph and deliver it to an elderly Jewish woman. Aimee is a computer security expert who saw her father die in a terrorist bombing which left her scarred, emotionally and physically. Aimee decodes the photo only to find the old woman dead when she goes to deliver it. Before long, Aimee's client has been pushed in front of a bus, and she is tangled in a dangerous undercover relationship with a neo-Nazi group. Aimee is an unrealistic superhero: she can break into any computer system or building; she scales Paris rooftops in designer stilettos; she can speak German; has a dwarf as a partner; and has casual sex with a neo-Nazi explaining it as an attraction to bad boys. The resolution of the mystery is confusing, disjointed and rushed. Why the picture was encoded and who discovered it is never explained. I hope these are freshman mystery issues resolved in the next in the series.
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