David Rosenfelt - Open and Shut

Monday, July 9, 2007

I picked up David Rosenfelt's Open and Shut with a bit of dread, wondering, "Why did I want to read this?" Imagine my surprise when I ended up enjoying it. It wasn't a great mystery - I figured out the twist of the murderer long before the main character did. This had a lot to do with what I call, "Duh, think about it a minute" moments. You know what I'm talking about. When it's obvious that the main character has only told one other person that he is going to be at a specific place at a specific time. How come I can remember that but the character who actually had the conversation can't? In addition to that, I felt the main character was going to be too much of a smart-aleck for me, but Rosenfelt toned down the sarcasm as the book progressed. This was a quick read that hinted at potential for better plotting and character development in the next in the series, First Degree.
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